Vivien Twyford

Vivien believes that, as the population grows and world resources are depleted, addressing ‘wicked’ problems that have no simple solutions will be everyone’s job. To thrive in any profession or sector, individuals, teams and organisations must learn to think and act collaboratively working across silos, boundaries and jurisdictions.

Vivien has been an advisor, facilitator and coach to a broad range of clients from government, not-for-profit, corporate and SME sectors since she founded Twyfords in 1988.

Educated in schools and universities in the UK, US and Australia Vivien has travelled extensively, working in the UK, the US, Europe, Singapore and Australasia.

Vivien has worked on several corporate and community boards for lengthy periods, providing quality experience in governance.

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Vivien's latest blog posts

The Presence of Trust

I’ve asked myself ... what is trust?  Why is it so important in human relationships and human communication? How do we build it?  How do we…

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Is it time to do something different?

I, personally, am about to do something very different that is simultaneously exciting, scary, sad and makes me feel vulnerable.

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Fear of failure – does it shut us down or drive us?

Perhaps fear of failure starts at school where the words ‘failure’ and ‘fail’ are scary.

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